What you Need to Know about Staying Hydrated this Summer

Staying hydrated is one of the most vital, yet simple things we can do for ourselves to stay safe & healthy while paddleboarding. Our bodies depend on water to survive, so we must do everything we can to stay hydrated and keep ourselves safe.

How much water do I need to drink?

Everyone is different, but there are guidelines for water consumption on a daily basis. The general rule is to drink half of your body weight in ounces. So, if you weigh 150 lbs, you should drink approximately 75 oz. of water each day. This is a good baseline to start with, to keep yourself healthy and ready to take on a day out paddling!

Why Hydration Matters

Water is the elixir of life, and our bodies rely on it for various vital functions, including regulating body temperature. During physical activities like paddling, staying hydrated becomes even more crucial. Here’s why:

Temperature Regulation: Water helps your body sweat, a natural cooling mechanism to prevent overheating. Dehydration disrupts this process, leading to heatstroke risks.

Focus and Endurance: Dehydration can impair cognitive function and decrease physical stamina, making it harder to focus on paddling and enjoy your adventure.

Krista Patterson

How you can drink more water

  • Always have a water bottle with you. To stay eco-friendly & save money, use a re-usable one. 
  • Sometimes thirst is confused with hunger. If you feel hungry, have a drink of water and that just might do the trick!
  • Don’t wait until you feel thirsty. If you do, you are already dehydrated. Make it a point to drink water every time you think about it.
  • If it is still proving hard to remember, drink on a schedule. At breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before you go to bed. You can also set reminders to drink at the start of each hour, or whatever works best for you.
  • Always drink before, during, and after a workout (or paddle!)
  • You can also find water in fruits and veggies, so bring some along for a tasty way to stay hydrated!

Get out and enjoy the sunshine, just don’t forget your water bottle!

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Have you ever wondered…

How can I feel more stable when standing up?
Why are my feet cramping and how do I get them to stop?
How can I keep my paddleboard tracking straight?
Will I be able to get back on my paddleboard if I fall off?

You deserve to feel confident on the water. I will teach you all of this and so much more in our new ONLINE Introduction to Paddleboarding Lesson.

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